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•When singing is not singing•

Well that's kinda strange? how is it possible to sing without singing?

It all depends on how we look at singing.

When we look at it from the perspective of the old paradigm we think that singing is something we have to produce and work for, like a special product. We do everything we can to refine and complicate this product and mold it into a desired outcome so that it is liked and loved by others and ourselves. "A desired object", a "collectors item" for the lucky few who are born with a "nice" voice. But this is not singing, this is producing a sellable object with a huge audience with only a few singing manufacturers behind it.

•When singing becomes listening•

When we look at singing from a higher dimensional perspective we will discover that singing is about listening. Not only with our ears, but mostly with our hearts. Our "higher heart" to be specific. Our voice can be turned into a key. To open us, to transform energy and emotions, and to evolve and transcend realities when we connect it to the "ears" of the higher heart.

From this perspective everybody is born with a singing voice and the only audience you seek is you yourself. You posses the voice from heaven through which your soul can speak to you. All you need to do is become quiet and listen to the sacred silence that lies behind the sound of your voice. Your soul wants to reconnect you to your God-like nature. All you need to do is be present with the sound of your voice and allow it to tell you about the vibrations you have inside of you. Listen...

You can even hear it in every strange sounding frog-like squeaking sound. ;-)

When singing becomes listening and we become the listener of our own voice, the love for self comes pouring in. Because your voice is a voice from heaven and it only reveals to you what is present at this moment in time. It does not reveal what we think we need to refine or change about our voice. There is no desired result, instead there is the desire to be present and to love what arises (Thank you Matt Kahn!). Your voice needs you to listen with your heart and not with your mind. The mind judges and the heart allows.

•When listening becomes singing•

Singing is the physical experience of becoming your true higher self. When you can listen to the Sound of Silence in your voice you have become capable of owning all the energies present within and without you at that moment. This means it can all be liberated and that singing has become your divine harmonising tool. It will instantly reconnect you to the silence within, to Source/God which is no one other than your true self. Be God and make a sound.

•In the beginning•

There was you, creating and expanding through sound and vibration.


The things I write about come from my heart. The knowledge that my heart wants to share is simple and in a loving way connected to the Allowance of knowing and not knowing.

Love is the allowance of all perspectives within yourself. So read everything I write with your heart open and allow yourself to find your own perspective.

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On the Event page you can find the Sound of Silence Concerts and Workshops if you wish to attend.


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