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When the Wayshower becomes the Way



"Do you ever wonder what happens after you've crossed over to the timeline of the new earth?" my friend asked one morning. I chuckled, replying, "Honestly, I have no clue. Right now, all I crave is a cup of coffee."

That simple conversation marked the beginning of a profound journey into a new reality. Many of us sensed a shift, like stepping through a hidden door or slipping through a cosmic wormhole to what some call "the other side". For me, it started with a feeling of being trapped in the complexities of duality. Watching "The Matrix" again, I found myself fixated on Neo's journey, his transformation into "The One".

You know that scene when the Oracle tells Neo he's not "The One"? It hit me hard. It wasn't just Neo facing a pivotal moment; it was a mirror reflecting my own hesitation. I realized I was holding back, stuck in a loop of indecision. It was time to break free. So, with newfound resolve, I made a choice—to become a master of my own destiny, Embracing the infinite potential already within me. I realized I had to make a decision to really be the one without the feeling of being the one. To really become a master now. To fully grasp the knowing off being already there and not having to walk a linear timeline to get there in the end. To choose to just be there where I already have been infinitely.

But as I stood on the threshold of this new path, uncertainty lingered and my ego mind needed to know what it would gain. What lay beyond the door? What awaited me in the vast expanse of possibility?


That's what I found—nothingness. An empty void stretching out before me, devoid of purpose or direction. It was disorienting, almost surreal, to find myself adrift in the boundless now.

And yet, amidst the emptiness, a profound realization dawned on me. Life's challenges hadn't disappeared; they were still there, as relentless as ever. But now, I approached them with a newfound clarity, a sense of purpose rooted in the present moment.

In the midst of uncertainty, I found a guiding light—the simple act of making choices. Each decision, no matter how small, became a step forward, a gesture of faith in the unfolding journey.

Walking this path isn't about having all the answers; it's about embracing the uncertainty, one step at a time. It's about letting go of the need to control, surrendering to the flow of life's ever-changing currents.


In the silence of the zero point field, where everything merges into nothingness, I discovered a profound truth—reality is timeless. Past, present, and future converge in the eternal now, offering glimpses of the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

Here, in this timeless expanse, the promise of our future unfolds, born anew in each moment of conscious awareness. We are the architects of our own destiny, shaping the course of our lives with every choice we make.

Healing from the illusions of duality isn't about fixing what's broken; it's about embracing the inherent wholeness that lies within. It's about seeing beyond the veil of separation, recognizing the interconnectedness of all things.

This is how my new found reality started a few weeks ago. A collective group off souls all felt that they stepped through a door or went through some sort of a wormhole to "the other side". For me it began with being heavily sucked in duality and becoming very stuck. I was guided to watch the Matrix again. I know the movie very well, but this time I watched it with different eyes, this time I was fully focussed on the process of Neo going

through the door and becoming "The One".

( Btw it is easier to understand this article if you have seen the movie)

There is a difference in knowing the path and walking the path, Morpheus said, and the Oracle told Neo exactly what he needed to hear in order for him to make the right choice at the right moment. She told him that he was not "The one". But when you have seen the movie before, you know for sure that he is the one. The Oracle presented the perfect information at the right time, gave him what he needed to hear to make the right choice at the right moment.

Suddenly I realized that I was also the one and that I was holding back. I also needed to make a choice and the right moment was now because now I was presented with the right information it seemed. But still somewhere I believed there was a spoon and it was feeding me something..

All this was a huge eye opener for me. Being on the ascension path for so long can also be blinding. You think you know the path, and you have committed and surrendered into it.

You go through all the ascension shit, portals, gates, full blood moons, retrogrades and you watch all the energy reports on youtube like everybody else and finally somewhere at the end there will be something waiting to happen and than you will have arrived.

And you surrender a bit more to what is and you kind off wait for your “prize” to appear after you have done all the work in the right way. And without you being aware of it you have created a reality loop of going through ascension. In my mind there was still a spoon and I was feeding myself the path of ascension with it.


What happens if you start walking the path and stop knowing the path?

What happens if you accept that there is no ascension needed because you are already there?

What happens if you just make the right choice for the right reason at the right moment?

I realized I had to make a decision to really be the one. To really become a master now. To fully grasp the knowing off being already there and not having to walk a linear timeline to get there in the end. To just be there where I already have been infinitely.

Everything in reality is part of a guidance system and you are operating it by paying attention and by maintaining a steady allignment with all that you are in all versions and times that you are.

You are the maintainer of the dance of allignment and you will feel that you are a fractal of this huge conciousness that is scattered through time and space. You are all that! In 5D and in 3D ;-)


(is the reason behind all healing)

Everything that happens now is an invitation to say goodbye to duality. Duality is nothing more than floating conciousness that is unaware off itself feeding itself the same dream with the same spoon. You will feel it all, and it will still effect you but how it will effect you is up to you. You can jump by making a quantum choice.

So instead of thinking you have done something wrong when duality rears its ugly head, just think of it as being a clear sign for you to choose something else. It is just a sign. How does it make you feel and what do you choose now? And Now? And now?

Dont go off trying to fix things or build a new road into the future so you can know the path again and feel better about duality. There is no spoon remember?

The path of an earth bound master is unclear. It has no direction and no goal.

The path of the master is a maintaining one. Seemingly empty and purposeless the master moves through life to fully maintain a space of grace and sacred and divine love and choice making. We are the God-creators and in every moment of time we choose a frequency of love no matter what timeline we find ourselves in. And we choose well because we already made all the right choices.


Mastering time within time begins with the awareness that reality is timeless. The promise of our future is granted through being born again in every moment with fresh new eyes, greater clarity, understanding and grace.

A Master dwells in empty space knowing that nothing needs te become something.

It was already fullfilled before there even was a wish. Everything is already in place and it is all perfect. Heaven is already here. It is up to us to reflect this in the choices we make in every now moment.

When we as Masters breath in conciously to enter our space of inner splendour we feel that unity and love is always in us, always present, and always manifested.

The frequency of it’s existance is always flowing from us into our perceived reality.

We are the maintainers of that space with every blink of our eye. When we maintain that field within us we have become the way for everybody else.

We are our own ancestors who are waking up with memories of our future lives. This is the metaphysical moment when truth comes together in this holy now of sacred choices. Just follow the signs, notice the changes, connect with your heart. It’s already done. Go and walk the path.



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